Nothing much its just that my parents are going to KL after the dinner, my mom wants to help grandma with the packing there and my father works tomorrow (today la cause I post this today). My mom left me with RM200 to spend for her days off maybe till Saturday. So I had to watch the house and my brothers while they are not around.
Hm...I rather watch the television or surfing the net than watching them, but what could I say its my responsibility right....I'm the eldest so I'm in charge of it.
Responsibility....I kind to hate that word, I'm the eldest so I have to show good attitudes to my brothers, I'm the eldest so I've to be the model in every aspect; especially in academic, they'll follow everything I did but mostly the bad things of course...I don't know either I'm capable in handling things like this, i mean the responsility, it seems hard to choose what is right and what is wrong, in the end you'll have to face the concequences from the choice you've done....
Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about, it sounds like trash right...
From what I know I'm not a mature adult, I still can't decide for the right choices, what I do really know that humans do make mistakes so I think its ok if I do mistakes in my life but I had to try to minimize or maybe avoide from making one...
Now I'm totally talking trash....
Be The Best You Can Be
Speak kind words,
as you'll be heard and judged.
Love kindly and unselfishly,
with no wish to posses.
Give freely to all,
and you shall receive so much more.
Listen to the problems of others,
and your own shall be halved.
Live each day as your last,
treasuring each moment.
Strive to be greater,
than you were before.
Dream of what can be,
a world of peace and for all to share.
Just Be The Best You Can Be!!
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
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