Nothing much, its as the same as yesterday, the difference is what we ate for our 'Berbuka puasa' guess what??
Not from kajang...but the taste is good...I recommend you to come to Kuantan and try out our Satay Zul!!!
Its so delicious, you have to try it.
Well we ate sate because of an occasion. Do you want to know what it is??
It's my brothers Birthday, supposely we celebrate it tomorrow but as my dad and mom are going to KL tomorrow (and we are left alone) so we celebrate it early than the date : 24 August
My stomach was so full until I can't move. So I rest a while before going for my Maghrib prayer.
Now...I'm doing my homework on malaysian studies about the governing process in Malaysia and how the parliament members lost their seats during the mandate period.
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
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