SAHUR TIME....I woke up about 4.30 a.m. in the morning, went to the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth detail I guest..hehehe
Then I went to my brother's room, wake them up then I went to help my mother, preparing the meal for our first sahur.
After we had finished our meal, my brother, Fikri and Shukor helped me out (by force) with the dishes, I washed, they rinsed.
SUBUH TIME...Then I stayed in the room, waiting for the azan Subuh pray. Rigth after I had finished my solat, my brother, Asri came, secretly.Well actually I promised him to watch Supernatural together but I was so 'tired' and let him use my laptop alone.
MORNING....I wake up (about 9.00a.m. maybe) when I received a sms from Mr. Yee saying : "Selamat Berpuasa. Remember the significance of this Holy month and the reason for fasting"
That makes me to remembered something about him "Enjoy your time to the fullest" he always says that in class and I can kept my head of it.
So I make a schedule on my holiday time. My parents are busy right now so they don't have time to take us out for a vacation. My father is working office hour at Meteorology HQ in PJ, while my mother had planned to go to her mother's house (my grandma) in KL to give hand on moving their belongings to a new place as my grandma's place are going to be used to don't remember what it is...
EVENING...On that day, I'm going to do my math and some reading on malaysian studies. Then, I'll have my pleasure time watching movies until evening. I went for a shower about 5p.m. and went to help my mother with the cooking : "sayur tumis", "lauk singgang", "ikan goreng masak cili" and rendang ayam" (my favourite!!)
DINNER TIME....About 7.20p.m, the azan Maghrib is heard, that is the sign where we can open our fast, then we recite our doa, say thanks to God for what He had gave us. As usual I was left to do the cleaning alone, well I'm quite a tricky person so I said to Asri if he want to watch Supernatural again he has to help me with the dishes...hahaha
NIGHT....My father went to the surau for terawih with my brothers. I was left alone with my youngest brother, Latif. His quiet a naughty kid so my dad did'nt bring him along. So I had to watch over him (well actually I prefer to watch the movie rather than watching him). I slept early that night....~END OF MY FIRST DAY~
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
so jealous, u got msg from mr yee.
y i'am the 1 who still not get his msg??
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