Hi there!
It has been two weeks of 'not seeing each other'...
I think I'm in good shape...
Well not after receiving the fact of my last semester result...
horrible than before...
Guess I'm not that serious in learning....
I don't know what truly happen last semester...
I think that I'm still on search of my true nature of learning...
what I mean is that the way I learn...
maybe the method is wrong...
still can't find an answer...
but I guess I have much motre freedom in INTI...
I can do what ever I want, I just follow what my heart desire most...
Playing, watching movies, and have a good time of sleeping....haha~_~
I can't believe how I've change...
I don't know where my determination to reach a goal has gone to...
I think I don't have the ability to sacrifice things now to get a better in future...
Daydreaming, talking nonsense stuff was what I'm good of...haha~_~
In fact I'm good at making ridiculous story...
I have to go...
last day at house, so some preparation has to be done...
well, I've tidy up my room, it seem so empty...
so goes to my bro, his in uitm right now...
his room also empty...
this house will now have a lot of empty space for other things to stay in...haha
creepy things i guess...
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
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