Sorry for the late closure of my birthday episodes....
Date : 28 March 2010 (Sunday)
Venue : Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur
Time : 10.30 a.m.
Like what I've told you before, I did my birthday celebration at Mid Valley and invited some of my friends and including the one that I met during my interview, Hafiz.
I arrive early that day as I was so excited to meet my friends from my previous school. I waited them infront of Jaya Jusco entrance. Syikin called me and said that she has arrived but she want to go to the MPH first to buy something. Hafiz was still on the ktm at that time. At first, there were 3 more of my friends who were going to attend my celebration but unfortunately something came up on the last minute so they only wish me through calls, message and FB. I received they're wishes last night when the clock hit 12 times ~_~
That was the busiest moment...haha...
I had to answer a lots of YM and chats from FB...
Then came the calls and messages....~_~
Back to Mid, We ate Pizza Hut that day, the new one, Chunky Loaded, my brother always ask me for that but I didn't have the time to bring them to Pizza Hut during the last break. I'm not sure if I had told you about this before, Hafiz birthday was before me, that was on 27 of March. So I decided to treat him Pizza but he demanded for a SONY mp3 player, the latest one. I explained to him before that I can't afford to pay for it but then I had a second though of buying it for him before I fly to Australia when he took me to SONY's shop in Mid, I do like the mp3 and I think its ok tu buy it for him but not now as I was saving for the night celebration with my INTI's friend....
Syikin bought us a dessert and I shared it with Hafiz...~_~but we didn't manage to finish it including the pizza so I ask the waiter to pack them up.
I know that Hafiz and his friends wanted to go to PWTC that day as that was the last day for the BOOK FAIR so I asked Syikin if she wants to go to. "NO, sorry katy but I got things to do so I can't be too long" huhu...I understand that everyone is so busy lately, so the celebration end up early...huhu...
But I manage to go to Jusco before we end up the day and bought two lovely cardigan...I'm not sure about the spelling...but it sounds right....haha...and a white T-shirt~_~
Date : 28 March
Venue : INTI's dining hall ~_~
Time : 9.00 p.m.
Second celebration!!!
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
happy 19th birthday that i would not forget~_~
this was my first time using jpa's money...
i hope it is not wrong to use it for such thing...
i really want to treat my friends not them treat me for something...
i hate to eat cakes during birthdays, i'm sorry to say, but thanks mas, i really appreciated it, it was my first time eating them during my own birthday!!!
could you believe that...
i also received a lot of chocolates during that day and when i got back to the room, Qila ask me..."do you eat that??"...haha..yeah i never bought chocolate bars in this last 4 years, i usually ate them when friends of mine offer me to have one...haha
i love sweet the most but sometimes it make me looks like a i ate sweet in my room...the chocolate they gave me i ate it as my lunch or late night suppper with qila...
there's some bars left in my's almost a week...i hope i will not get stomachace after this...huhu...
but i did go to toilet very often this week...~_~
anyway thanks a lot to all of you, i can't forget this moment now and ever....~_~
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