Thank God the Spec Math test 1 had past. Even though it was only a 4 question test in 2 hours, I can answer them well, huhuhu... My mom sms me that I should do a lot of exercise cause math is not something to be memorize, ok mom.... I was very excited today to go to the Pasar Malam at Tmn Chempaka cause the Bazar beside the Pasar Besar (it seems had been abandon) lack with variety, what I meant was the food. So after the Spec Math test we set out to the bus stop but it seems that there was a lot of people were going so we decided to take the next bus. We went for solat first and again we set out to the bus stop, waiting for the INTI bus. Soo came and ask me, "Hey, when is the INTI bus will arrive??" 6.15p.m. "Are you sure?? There is a new INTI bus schedule, I'm not sure when it will come, thats why I ask you...." oooo...There was a new INTI bus schedule, we thought the bus would come late as it was 6.10p.m. so I decide to take the 'green bus' (I don't know what bus it is...hahaha) but Qila said to wait for the INTI bus cause if it does came we don't have to waste money on the bus....INTI BUS IS FREE....
Far far away, I could see the INTI bus slowly came right at us. There was a lot of people and not all of them could hop in. Thank God we manage to bust in!!
The bus move slowly as there was a lot of cars coming back and forth along the road to ktm or should I say the road to the Pasar Malam... We arrive there about 6.35p.m. and off we went to the Pasar Malam. This what I want!!! There were a lot of stalls here selling different kind of food, like wet and dry food, cloths, etc. I can't help myself to stop by and look each of them. I bought a new tudung today, well actually I want to match it with the tudung I bought before cause the tudung kind of I pick a black one for only RM5. Then after half away along the stalls Qila remind me that we would missed the INTI bus if we haven't bought anything. Qila and I each bought nasi ayam, special made in Negeri Sembilan... Then, Qila went to buy Roti John. From there we could see the bus stop and we thought of crossing the drain. I said why not we just wait at the end of the Pasar Malam but Qila refused so we jump. Its quiet steep for me so I had to take off my sandals cause I'm wearing high heel (well everyone knows that). I manage to walk down and I had to jump the "big drain". There was a wooden(plywood maybe....I'm not sure what it is). I intend to step on it so I could jump over the drain BUT SPLASH!!!!
I was engulf by water...DARK WATER AND SMELLY TOO!!!
I was affraid that I can't get up the drain, Qila tried to pull me out but I can't!! I could feel the pain on my feet every time I tried to climb up the drain. Thank God an INTI guy saw me and help me out. I was going to thank him but he just disappear with his girlfriend.
My food was ruined and I left my tudung in the drain. I had to jump in again into the drain if I want my tudung back. The 'green bus' pass by and we had no choiced as the INTI bus had passed away...Really, REALLY PASSED AWAY....
I entered the bus and paid with my wet dirty RM1 for the bus fee. I can't myself laughing (in my heart I was screaming) how dumb I was. I ignored everyone in the bus cause I had the feeling of them staring at me. In my heart I kept on saying the bus to hurry up. I'm wet, dirty, smelly too. I can't stand myself any longer so after the bus stop at the INTI gate I quickly rush to my room...A2-34. I ask for Qila's helped to get my 'things'. I got to go for a shower!!!!
Berbuka time is near but I'm not ready with anything to eat so....what left was my Mee Maggi (choose TOM YAM or Maggi Goreng - My dad gonna killed me if he knew about this)
So Happy Berbuka Time....^_^
ICT Appeal for KL Krashpad
9 years ago
I told you to jump... but, u wouldn't listen.. there, you see.. btw, u have the chance to take a bath with 'air longkang'.. lol.. it's a once in a lifetime experience ma.. ^^
wath the katy!
hehe, i wanna lough also. =P
luckily i'm not there, huhu..
i can't imagine myself in your shoe.haha.. and i also can't imagine if i'm at the incident place.waaa..
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