Thursday, July 15, 2010

Campaign fails to slow squashing of Christmas Island crabs

my summary :

The number of Christmas Island crabs has now decline as they are squash away by cars. This crab is well known for its capability in tree-climbing, coconut-eating robber crab and also as the king of the jungle in a tiny Australian territory. Sadly to hear that about 500 of them were turn out to be killed on the roads between January and June this year. A campaign was carried out to urge the Christmas Island workers to drive carefully around the world's largest land crabs in order to preserve this species. However, the campaign does not gone out well. The map below reveals the main killing zone on the road to the island's Immigration Detention Centre.

Some locals claim said that the workers from the mainland do not care about the extinction of this species. This has become a concern to the Parks Australia as the numbers of deaths keep on increasing. Parks Australia, a federal government department responsible for the national park covering 63% of Christmas Island. They are now trying their best to reduce the toll on robber crabs by targeting people that are new to the island with signs to urge them to drive around the crab, not over them! The reason is because the giant crabs will use their pincers when threatened and this will cause undercarriage to the car that shears them off, causing physical injury. A spokeswoman from Parks Australia said it that the cause of increasing in the death of the crabs was not hard to recognize. It may be seasonal, related to wet weather or increased in traffic. Christmas Island National Park will continue to carry out their campaign to alert the community, to increase their mortality, advising them to drive slowly and drive around the robber crabs.


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